Noven­tiz – Your envi­ron­men­tal com­pli­ance part­ner

Do you need assis­tance in mee­ting your legal obli­ga­ti­ons under the Ger­man Pack­a­ging Act (Ver­packG), the Ger­man Elec­tri­cal and Elec­tro­nic Equip­ment Act (Elek­troG), the Ger­man Bat­te­ries Act (BattG) or Exten­ded Pro­du­cer Respon­si­bi­li­ty (EPR)?

We’re here for you! We look for­ward to ensu­ring your com­pli­ance with the­se and sup­port­ing you in many other are­as. As part of Reco­no­my, we have access to an inter­na­tio­nal net­work of experts. We offer a com­pre­hen­si­ve ran­ge of ser­vices – even bey­ond Ger­ma­ny. Whe­ther you’re a local small busi­ness or an inter­na­tio­nal cor­po­ra­ti­on – we are here to help you com­ply with envi­ron­men­tal legis­la­ti­on, iden­ti­fy stream­li­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties, and make a valuable con­tri­bu­ti­on to sus­taina­bi­li­ty.

Dirk Boxhammer im Gespräch mit Team Noventiz

Your bene­fits with Noven­tiz:

Do you have a ques­ti­on or would you like a free quo­te?

Get in touch! We look for­ward to hea­ring from you.

Pro­tect the cli­ma­te by recy­cling pack­a­ging

Would you like to know how much CO2 you can save by par­ti­ci­pa­ting in our dual sys­tem with your pack­a­ging?
Use our free CO2 cal­cu­la­tor:

Frau beteiligt Verpackungen bei Noventiz

Would you like to par­ti­ci­pa­te in Noventiz’s dual sys­tem by licen­sing your pack­a­ging?

Meet all the legal requi­re­ments of the Ger­man Pack­a­ging Act (Ver­packG). In just three steps, you can licen­se your pack­a­ging sub­ject to man­da­to­ry par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and join the Noven­tiz Dual sche­me.