Frau legt Pfandflasche in Rückgabeautomat

What is a Depo­sit Return Sys­tem?

A Depo­sit Return Sys­tem (DRS) is a way of encou­ra­ging peo­p­le to recy­cle. To do this, an addi­tio­nal char­ge (or depo­sit) is added to spe­ci­fic pro­ducts – cans, car­tons or bot­t­les – which can then be rede­e­med when con­su­mers return and recy­cle the item. The depo­sit can be given back in dif­fe­rent ways such as cash or, vou­ch­ers.

Why focus on Depo­sit Returns?

  • Some of the top ten oce­an pol­lu­ting items include alu­mi­num, glass and pla­s­tic bot­t­les.
  • Pro­du­cers must impro­ve cir­cu­la­ri­ty to meet their sus­taina­bi­li­ty tar­gets.
  • The items included in a DRS are high­ly recy­clable and keep their qua­li­ty once recy­cled.
  • Recy­cling and was­te legis­la­ti­on is incre­asing around the world.

What are the bene­fits?

What is our approach?

Noven­tiz can sup­port your busi­ness throug­hout the enti­re pro­cess with a com­ple­te set of ser­vices:

Are you inte­res­ted in our solu­ti­ons in the field of depo­sit return sys­tems?

We are hap­py to sup­port you! Just send us a mes­sa­ge and we will get back to you as soon as pos­si­ble.

Dis­co­ver the other Noven­tiz pro­ducts at a glan­ce here

In addi­ti­on to Envi­ron­men­tal Com­pli­ance, we also offer other pro­duct cate­go­ries.