Dual sys­tem: Noven­tiz Dual

Sin­ce 2017, Noven­tiz has been a cer­ti­fied ope­ra­tor of its own dual sys­tem, Noven­tiz Dual. The law requi­res pro­du­cers, dis­tri­bu­tors, mail-order com­pa­nies and online retail­ers to coll­ect, sort and recy­cle the pack­a­ging they have pla­ced on the mar­ket. This is a com­plex task which they can­not accom­plish on their own. And that’s whe­re dual sys­tems such as Noven­tiz Dual come in.

Noven­tiz Dual – an expe­ri­en­ced sys­tem ope­ra­tor

Noven­tiz has been sup­port­ing cli­ents in all mat­ters rela­ting to licen­sing sin­ce 2007, and sin­ce 2017, Noven­tiz has been ope­ra­ting and pro­vi­ding its own dual sys­tem. Noven­tiz Dual ensu­res that the sales pack­a­ging that regu­lar­ly accu­mu­la­tes in Germany’s 40 mil­li­on house­holds is coll­ec­ted and recy­cled. We help busi­nesses of all shapes and sizes – from small busi­nesses to lar­ge cor­po­ra­ti­ons.

What we offer

Team Noventiz im Meeting

Dual sys­tem: sig­ning a licence agree­ment

Many busi­nesses are won­de­ring how to meet their obli­ga­ti­ons under the Ger­man Pack­a­ging Act and how to con­clude a licence agree­ment with a dual sys­tem.
With Noven­tiz, this is a pie­ce of cake – and requi­res just 3 steps:

  1. Enter the pack­a­ging volu­mes you expect to put on the mar­ket using our easy-to-use Pack­a­ging Direct online shop. The licence fee is cal­cu­la­ted on the basis of the data you pro­vi­de.
  2. In a second step, you need to sub­mit infor­ma­ti­on about your com­pa­ny.
  3. You con­clude the licence agree­ment in the third step by making your pay­ment. You are now regis­tered in Noventiz’s dual sys­tem.
Frau beteiligt Verpackungen bei Noventiz

Do you have ques­ti­ons about the regis­tra­ti­on pro­cess with Noven­tiz Dual?

Ask away! Wri­te us a mes­sa­ge or give us a call. We are hap­py to help!

Dual sys­tem – what’s that all about?

Ger­ma­ny has a sophisti­ca­ted was­te manage­ment, coll­ec­tion and report­ing sys­tem. One ele­ment is the so-cal­led dual sys­tem, a net­work orga­nis­ed by the pri­va­te sec­tor that exists along­side the publicly orga­nis­ed was­te manage­ment sys­tem. It is spe­ci­fi­cal­ly respon­si­ble for pack­a­ging.

The dual sys­tem in Ger­ma­ny

On behalf of retail and indus­try
Indus­try and com­mer­ce com­mis­si­on dual sys­tems with coll­ec­ting, sort­ing and recy­cling used sales pack­a­ging made of pla­s­tic, alu­mi­ni­um, glass or paper. The initi­al dis­tri­bu­tors of the packa­ged pro­ducts are requi­red to pay for this under the Exten­ded Pro­du­cer Respon­si­bi­li­ty (EPR). Whoe­ver first puts a pro­duct on the mar­ket for pro­fit should also be respon­si­ble for the dis­po­sal and reco­very of the pack­a­ging. This is to ensu­re that the maxi­mum amount of pack­a­ging is recy­cled, redu­cing was­te.

infographic dual system

Con­su­mers play a key role
Within the sys­tem, pri­va­te con­su­mers also play an important role: When dis­po­sing of their used pack­a­ging, they sort it accor­ding to the type of pack­a­ging, e.g. into the yel­low bin, the paper bin or the bot­t­le bank. Sepa­ra­ti­on is the pre­re­qui­si­te for recy­cling to work. The bins and banks are emp­tied regu­lar­ly and the pack­a­ging is taken to sort­ing and recy­cling faci­li­ties, whe­re it is sor­ted into dif­fe­rent was­te types and recy­cled as effec­tively as pos­si­ble.

Sepa­ra­te sys­tem for non-recy­clable was­te
The dis­po­sal of non-recy­clable was­te from pri­va­te house­holds, on the other hand, is orga­nis­ed by public bodies. The cost is bor­ne by the final con­su­mer, who pays a fee to the city or muni­ci­pa­li­ty. Non-recy­clable was­te, as the name sug­gests, is not sui­ta­ble for recy­cling. This is why most of it is inci­ne­ra­ted to pro­du­ce ther­mal ener­gy. Only a small pro­por­ti­on is sent to sepa­ra­ting plants.

“Müll­tren­nung wirkt” infor­ma­ti­on cam­paign

Noven­tiz Dual sup­ports the infor­ma­ti­on cam­paign “Müll­tren­nung wirkt” (sort­ing was­te works) orga­nis­ed by the dual sys­tems. In addi­ti­on to redu­cing the amount of non-recy­clable was­te in yel­low bins/bags and impro­ving the qua­li­ty of the coll­ec­ted mix­tu­re of was­te, this infor­ma­ti­on cam­paign wants to increase the volu­me of pack­a­ging coll­ec­ted in yel­low bags/bins. Too much pack­a­ging con­ti­nues to end up with the non-recy­clable was­te, lea­ving the recy­cling loop.

The infor­ma­ti­on cam­paign aims to dis­pel exis­ting pre­ju­di­ces, explain the reaso­ning behind the sepa­ra­te was­te coll­ec­tion and moti­va­te final con­su­mers to take sort­ing more serious­ly. Citi­zens need to reco­g­ni­se their key role in effec­ti­ve pack­a­ging recy­cling. Reusable mate­ri­als can only be kept in the cycle, saving resour­ces and CO2, if the popu­la­ti­on coll­ects and pro­per­ly sepa­ra­tes pack­a­ging from non-recy­clable was­te.

Separation chart yellow bag

Recy­cling and dis­po­sal: How does the dual sys­tem work?

Indus­try and com­mer­ce mea­su­re and report the volu­me of sales pack­a­ging they place on the mar­ket. They pay par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on fees, also known as licence fees, to a dual sys­tem of their choice for the coll­ec­tion, sort­ing and reco­very. The cost of the licence fee depends on the type of mate­ri­al and the mass of the pack­a­ging pla­ced on the mar­ket. In Ger­ma­ny, the dual sys­tems base their work on the cur­rent Pack­a­ging Act.

Would you like to par­ti­ci­pa­te in a dual sys­tem by licen­sing your pack­a­ging? We are hap­py to help!