Nachhaltige Kreislauflösungen mit Noventiz Blick in die Baumkronen

Sus­taina­bi­li­ty – what is it exact­ly?

Sus­taina­bi­li­ty is the defi­ning issue of our time. It is so all-encom­pas­sing that we often find it dif­fi­cult to sett­le on a clear defi­ni­ti­on. Howe­ver, espe­ci­al­ly in the con­text of cor­po­ra­te sus­taina­bi­li­ty, howe­ver, a simp­le and easi­ly under­stan­da­ble defi­ni­ti­on is important to set clear goals.

At Reco­no­my, we defi­ne cor­po­ra­te sus­taina­bi­li­ty as fol­lows: A com­pa­ny acts sus­tain­ab­ly by mini­mi­sing the impact of its own actions on the envi­ron­ment and socie­ty. It does so by taking ethi­cal and respon­si­ble actions and decis­i­ons, so as not to com­pro­mi­se the future of coming gene­ra­ti­ons.

Why is cor­po­ra­te sus­taina­bi­li­ty so important?

There’s no deny­ing that the pla­net and huma­ni­ty are in a sta­te of envi­ron­men­tal emer­gen­cy. Ever­yo­ne with influence needs to take urgent action to move towards a sus­tainable future. This also includes busi­nesses.

For com­pa­nies, the­re are addi­tio­nal reasons why sus­taina­bi­li­ty is important and should be a cen­tral topic for top manage­ment.


ton­nes of CO2 equi­va­lents saved through par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in Noven­tiz Dual*

*This figu­re refers to the year 2022. The CO2 equi­va­lents were saved by par­ti­ci­pa­ting in Noven­tiz Dual and coll­ec­ting, sort­ing and recy­cling pack­a­ging in Ger­ma­ny.

Sus­taina­bi­li­ty at Noven­tiz

Sus­taina­bi­li­ty is at the heart of our ser­vices

Sus­taina­bi­li­ty is alre­a­dy at the very core of the diver­se ran­ge of ser­vices we offer. As the ope­ra­tor of a dual sys­tem, we ensu­re that pack­a­ging can be recy­cled and retur­ned to the cir­cu­lar eco­no­my. This pre­vents the loss of reusable mate­ri­als and redu­ces the amount of was­te sent to land­fill or inci­ne­ra­ti­on. The num­bers speak for them­sel­ves: The coll­ec­tion, col­la­ti­on and recy­cling of used pack­a­ging saves about 1.95 mil­li­on ton­nes of CO2 equi­va­lents** per year.

Con­su­mers play an important role in this recy­cling sys­tem by cor­rect­ly sort­ing their house­hold was­te. Tog­e­ther with the other dual sys­tems, Noven­tiz is run­ning a dedi­ca­ted infor­ma­ti­on cam­paign through the “ Müll­tren­nung wirkt” initia­ti­ve to edu­ca­te con­su­mers about was­te sepa­ra­ti­on and recy­cling. The aim is to redu­ce the amount of incor­rect­ly sor­ted was­te so that even more pack­a­ging can be recy­cled.

In addi­ti­on, with our rota­te ser­vice we work on desig­ning high­ly recy­clable pack­a­ging in order to fur­ther increase recy­cling rates.

Learn more about our ser­vices.

**The­se figu­res refer to the year 2020 and the total con­tri­bu­ti­on of pack­a­ging recy­cling by all dual sys­tems in Ger­ma­ny. The figu­res are based on a stu­dy car­ri­ed out by the Öko-Insti­tut on behalf of the dual sys­tems. Down­load the full stu­dy (Ger­man).

Sus­taina­bi­li­ty at Reco­no­my

As part of the Reco­no­my, we share the objec­ti­ve of crea­ting a tru­ly sus­tainable world by ensu­ring that fini­te resour­ces are recy­cled and retur­ned to the cir­cu­lar eco­no­my. The Reco­no­my-wide sus­taina­bi­li­ty stra­tegy sets out over­ar­ching and con­cre­te goals that it is com­mit­ted to achie­ving. In addi­ti­on to eco­lo­gi­cal issues, the stra­tegy also covers social, socie­tal and busi­ness aspects, as the­se are clo­se­ly lin­ked. Fur­ther­mo­re, the stra­tegy was deve­lo­ped in accordance with the United Nati­ons’ Sus­tainable Deve­lo­p­ment Goals (SDGs).

Sus­taina­bi­li­ty is a jour­ney

We belie­ve in open­ness, hones­ty and trans­pa­ren­cy – and the same appli­es, of cour­se, to sus­taina­bi­li­ty. Imple­men­ting the over­ar­ching sus­taina­bi­li­ty goals is a long pro­cess that requi­res con­ti­nuous deve­lo­p­ment and impro­ve­ment. Inde­pen­dent insti­tu­tes such as Achil­les per­form annu­al audits to docu­ment our pro­gress and ensu­re we don’t lose sight of our goals. We sub­mit detail­ed data and evi­dence which are used to wri­te report that ser­ves as a road­map for fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment.

The com­pa­ny-wide results are pre­sen­ted in full in the Reco­no­my Sus­taina­bi­li­ty Report. Down­load the latest report:

Noven­tiz – your part­ner in sus­taina­bi­li­ty

Noven­tiz is your con­sul­tancy and ser­vice part­ner – hel­ping you to navi­ga­te the jungle of envi­ron­men­tal legis­la­ti­on. We help more than 13,000 cli­ents in Ger­ma­ny and other Euro­pean count­ries to com­ply with the incre­asing­ly com­plex requi­re­ments of envi­ron­men­tal legis­la­ti­on. As a mem­ber of Reco­no­my, we have access to an inter­na­tio­nal net­work of experts and ser­vices. Our dedi­ca­ted team sup­ports you in being more than just com­pli­ant with regu­la­ti­ons. We con­stant­ly have the big pic­tu­re in mind and would be deligh­ted to join you on your jour­ney to achie­ving your sus­taina­bi­li­ty goals.