Opti­mi­se was­te manage­ment with Noven­tiz.

Was­te manage­ment is a com­plex topic. Every fede­ral sta­te has its own laws and ways of imple­men­ting them. It is important to stay on top of things and remain up to date with all the latest infor­ma­ti­on in order to ope­ra­te in com­pli­ance with the law at all times.

Here at Noven­tiz, we have made it our busi­ness to do this job for you – we stay on the ball so you don’t have to. We’ll gui­de you through the legal jungle, redu­cing bureau­cra­cy and secu­ring pro­ces­ses in the cir­cu­lar eco­no­my.

We pro­vi­de fle­xi­ble and cus­to­mi­sed solu­ti­ons – with trans­pa­rent and com­pre­hen­si­ble pri­ces. As we’re an inde­pen­dent full-ser­vice pro­vi­der that tar­gets your spe­ci­fic needs, the advice you recei­ve from us will be com­ple­te­ly neu­tral. For an opti­mal was­te manage­ment solu­ti­on.

Noven­tiz is a Reco­no­my com­pa­ny

Reco­no­my is an inno­va­ti­ve, tech­no­lo­gy-dri­ven pro­vi­der of cir­cu­lar eco­no­my ser­vices with the objec­ti­ve of crea­ting a tru­ly sus­tainable world by con­ser­ving fini­te resour­ces. Reco­no­my helps com­pa­nies around the world impro­ve their ESG out­co­mes and offers its ser­vices in three main divi­si­ons – Recy­cle, Com­ply and Reu­se.

Noven­tiz assists Reconomy’s mis­si­on in their Com­ply divi­si­on; this is achie­ved by sol­ving incre­asing­ly com­plex envi­ron­men­tal legis­la­ti­on chal­lenges using data, local exper­ti­se and thought lea­der­ship to dri­ve cor­po­ra­te accoun­ta­bi­li­ty glo­bal­ly.

Learn more about Reco­no­my here.

Noven­tiz time­line

Zeitstrahl der Noventiz Historie

Our glo­bal Com­ply divi­si­on ser­vices

Reconomy Services
Profilbild Dirk Boxhammer



satis­fied Noven­tiz cli­ents


Noven­tiz Group


Reco­no­my employees


regio­nal loca­ti­ons world­wi­de

Our Mis­si­on & Visi­on


Our skil­led peo­p­le and tech­no­lo­gy faci­li­ta­te cir­cu­lar models through reu­se, recy­cling, rede­sig­ning sup­p­ly-chains and ensu­ring regu­la­to­ry com­pli­ance.


A was­te-free world whe­re resour­ces are con­ser­ved, and eco­no­mic growth is achie­ved through sus­tainable, cir­cu­lar means.