Noven­tiz laun­ches Eng­lish ver­si­on of WEEE por­tal

Noven­tiz laun­ches Eng­lish ver­si­on of WEEE por­tal


Noven­tiz has exten­ded its port­fo­lio of digi­tal por­tals. The WEEE por­tal, ori­gi­nal­ly laun­ched in Ger­man only, is now also available in Eng­lish to pro­vi­de inter­na­tio­nal cus­to­mers with a digi­tal regis­tra­ti­on and report­ing pro­cess. WEEE stands for Was­te of Elec­tri­cal and Elec­tro­nic Equip­ment. The EU direc­ti­ve of the same name regu­la­tes the envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly return and dis­po­sal of was­te elec­tri­cal and elec­tro­nic equip­ment.

Effi­ci­ent manage­ment of volu­me reports

The new WEEE por­tal offers a user-fri­end­ly inter­face. It enables Eng­lish-spea­king cus­to­mers to report their quan­ti­ties of elec­tri­cal and elec­tro­nic equip­ment pla­ced on the mar­ket in Ger­ma­ny easi­ly and effi­ci­ent­ly online. The­se reports are then sent direct­ly to the respon­si­ble aut­ho­ri­ty, “Stif­tung ear”. This ensu­res com­pli­ance with the requi­re­ments for the dis­po­sal of was­te elec­tri­cal and elec­tro­nic equip­ment.

The por­tal also pro­vi­des an over­view of all past reports and infor­ma­ti­on on out­stan­ding reports. Users can view their cus­to­mer mas­ter data in the por­tal, giving cus­to­mers a clear over­view of their data at all times.

Future enhance­ments

Noven­tiz is con­ti­nuous­ly working on the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of the WEEE por­tals in par­ti­cu­lar and its por­tal land­scape in gene­ral. Addi­tio­nal fea­tures will be laun­ched in the future to offer users even more fle­xi­bi­li­ty and con­ve­ni­ence. For more infor­ma­ti­on on ser­vices rela­ted to WEEE and the cor­re­spon­ding Ger­man law “Elek­troG”, plea­se click here.

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