Sin­gle-Use Pla­s­tic Fund Act: obli­ga­ti­ons for manu­fac­tu­r­ers

Sin­gle-Use Pla­s­tic Fund Act: obli­ga­ti­ons for manu­fac­tu­r­ers



Results from years of coll­ec­tions from Euro­pean bea­ches show that over 80 per cent of the was­te found is pla­s­tic. About half of this coll­ec­tion was iden­ti­fied as sin­gle-use pla­s­tic pro­ducts and assi­gned to spe­ci­fic pro­duct cate­go­ries. EU Direc­ti­ve 2019/904 (on redu­cing the impact of cer­tain pla­s­tic pro­ducts on the envi­ron­ment) addres­ses this issue and takes action on 10 pro­duct cate­go­ries.

What is the Sin­gle-Use Pla­s­tic Fund Act (EWK­FondsG)?

The Sin­gle-Use Pla­s­tics Fund Act (EWK­FondsG) pro­vi­des the legal frame­work for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the Sin­gle-Use Pla­s­tics Fund. This fund is used to levy char­ges on spe­ci­fic pro­ducts con­tai­ning pla­s­tic. The pro­du­cers of the­se pro­ducts pay levies pre­scri­bed by law into this fund. The­se funds are used to cover the cos­ts of coll­ec­tion, dis­po­sal and clea­ning of pla­s­tic-con­tai­ning pro­ducts dis­po­sed of in public.

Which pro­ducts are affec­ted?

Pro­du­cers of cer­tain pla­s­tic-con­tai­ning pro­ducts are requi­red to pay into the sin­gle-use pla­s­tic fund.

The­se include
• Food con­tai­ners for direct con­sump­ti­on
• Bags and film pack­a­ging con­tai­ning food
• Bevera­ge con­tai­ners
• Bevera­ge cups
• Pla­s­tic car­ri­er bags
• Wet wipes
• Bal­loons
• And cer­tain tob­ac­co pro­ducts

From 2026, manu­fac­tu­r­ers of fire­works will also be affec­ted by the Sin­gle-Use Pla­s­tics Fund Act.

Affec­ted com­pa­nies must regis­ter with the Fede­ral Envi­ron­ment Agen­cy and report their quan­ti­ties pla­ced on the mar­ket from 2024.

The­se are the basis for a levy to be paid into the new sin­gle-use pla­s­tic fund.
Under the Sin­gle-Use Pla­s­tics Fund Act, com­pa­nies are obli­ged to pay into the Sin­gle-Use Pla­s­tics Fund depen­ding on the quan­ti­ty and type of sin­gle-use pla­s­tic pro­ducts first made available or sold on the mar­ket. This annu­al pay­ment is deter­mi­ned by a spe­ci­fic spe­cial levy, known as the sin­gle-use pla­s­tic levy, and cal­cu­la­ted by the Fede­ral Envi­ron­ment Agen­cy. The exact levy rates are deter­mi­ned by legal ordi­nan­ce and are based on the quan­ti­ties repor­ted by manu­fac­tu­r­ers.
Fail­ure to regis­ter or to regis­ter pro­per­ly is to result in auto­ma­tic sales bans. The sin­gle-use pla­s­tic pro­ducts may then, among other things, neither be made available on the mar­ket nor sold.

Which cos­ts are finan­ced by the sin­gle-use pla­s­tic fund?

The levies of the pro­du­cers flow into dif­fe­rent cost are­as:
1. coll­ec­tion cos­ts: the­se include the infra­struc­tu­re for was­te coll­ec­tion, the ope­ra­ti­on of this infra­struc­tu­re as well as trans­port and dis­po­sal cos­ts.
2. clean-up cos­ts: clean-up work to remo­ve sin­gle-use pla­s­tic was­te from the envi­ron­ment is fun­ded.
3. awa­re­ness-rai­sing cos­ts: cos­ts for edu­ca­ti­on on was­te pre­ven­ti­on opti­ons are incur­red and cover­ed.
4. data coll­ec­tion and trans­mis­si­on cos­ts: data regar­ding coll­ec­tion and dis­po­sal of sin­gle-use pla­s­tic pro­ducts are coll­ec­ted and trans­mit­ted, the cos­ts of which are bor­ne by the pro­du­cers.
5. admi­nis­tra­ti­ve cos­ts: The Fede­ral Envi­ron­ment Agen­cy admi­nis­ters the Sin­gle-Use Pla­s­tic Fund, and the cos­ts of the­se admi­nis­tra­ti­ve tasks are also cover­ed by the pro­du­cer levies.

Kee­ping up to date with Noven­tiz

At Noven­tiz, we sup­port com­pa­nies throug­hout Ger­ma­ny and Euro­pe in all mat­ters rela­ting to envi­ron­men­tal com­pli­ance. Do you have any ques­ti­ons about our EPR ser­vices? Feel free to cont­act us!

Source: ewkf | Umwelt­bun­des­amt (in Ger­man)

We’re experts in packaging licensing, all types of take-back solutions and the assessment of recyclability in accordance with Section 21 of the German Packaging Act (VerpackG).